Archive for the 'wordless wednesday' Category

Not exactly wordless Wednesday…

This is me multi-tasking like a proper mummy – you’re impressed, right?

The photo, counts as a Wordless Wednesday, but by cheating, and adding a few words, it’s going to magically turn into my entry to this week’s writing workshop over at Sleep is for the weak.  Clever eh?

I was all up for doing No.1 this week & treating you to a bit of a photo walk, but the weather had other ideas. So, I’ll save that for another day & go with No.4: Tell me about something precious you gave away.

First up, here’s the photo:

tiny newborn babygrow meets seven month size babygrow

scary how fast time flies when you're a mummy!

The one on the bottom, is one of the LD’s current sleepsuits.  The one on top, is one of his very first.

Despite being 10 days late, and weighing in at a pretty respectable 7lb, none of the newborn or 0-3 month variety we’d stocked up on fitted him – he was so skinny, the daddy had to do a mothercare run to pick up some ‘tiny baby’ ones so that he wasn’t swamped.  Looking at those tiny little suits now fills me with a mixture of emotions – amazement that my now 18lb monster ever fitted in them, nostalgia for those early days where all I could day was stare in wonder at the wrinkly and gorgeous baby I’d just had and heartache when I dwell too long on the memory of a traumatic birth & the hard bits of those first few weeks- breast feeding tribulations, LD’s trouble gaining weight, having to take him back into hospital… *shudder*.

Mostly though, it’s happy memories of what seems like a lifetime ago despite being just seven short months.

As I mentioned in this post, I’m a terrible clutterbug, and too sentimental for my own good. I hadn’t got rid of a single piece of outgrown clothing before this week. Now, I’ve made a start. I sorted through & pulled out all the tiny baby sleepsuits, vests & babygrows, threw them in the wash, and ironed the lot. I bundled them all up with a few soft toys and blankies, and donated them to our local SCBU.  Because as precious as they are to me, they’ll be far more useful to the next mummy who’s baby makes an early appearance & is in need of something tiny to keep them warm.

I let myself keep the one in the picture though.  Well, it’s not as though it takes up much room 😉

Wordless Wednesday

“Daddy says I’ve got to learn to dribble on it. I’m sure that’s what he said.”

Wordless Wednesday: Let’s go to the PARK!

Last week, while the sun was still shining (seems like a distant memory now!) the daddy & I took the LD for his first jaunt to the park.
think it’s safe to say it won’t be the last! (not sure who enjoyed the swings more- the daddy or the little dude!)
And more importantly, there’s just something immensely satisfying about being out as a proper little family, you know? Love it. 
*promise* i’ll get round to a more substantial post (and all the tags i’ve had) very soon!! 🙂 ♥

Wordless Wednesday: I ♥ my boys :)

p.s. theres a giveaway over at my other bog 🙂

happy wednesday!
(visit wordless wednesday for more great photos.)

i heart stokke

i heart stokke

{retail therapy}

Otherland: quirky toys and gifts for big kids and littl kids alike.